لبنان يعاني من انهيار اقتصادي كامل، وشهدت البلاد مؤخرًا إنفجار ناقلة وقود، مما تسبب في حالة من الذعر! وبصرف النظر عن هذا، يعيش شعب لبنان أيضًا بدون كهرباء ووقود وأدوية وحتى المسكنات أصبح من الصعب جدًا الحصول عليه
ترسل مؤسسة لايف حاويات تحتوي على الإمدادات الطبية إلى لبنان بشكل مستمر، ولكن لا يمكننا القيام بذلك دون مساعدتكم
يرجى دعمنا في مساعدة المحتاجين في لبنان من خلال التبرع السخي.

Introduced in 2012 by the 92nd Street Y in New York and the United Nations Foundation, Giving Tuesday, often described as a global day of giving, is held each year on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. This year, Giving Tuesday will fall on December 3rd, and Life for Relief and Development (LIFE) is happy to be participating.
Every donation, no matter how big or small, can make a difference in someone’s life or in a community. When deciding which organization to support, the options can be overwhelming, but by supporting LIFE, you will help build communities, provide hope to an orphan, provide clean water to underprivileged communities, emergency relief to people whose life has been turned upside down, medical aid to communities that lack in healthcare and educational assistance to millions of kids globally.
Join the #GivingTuesday movement today by supporting LIFE’s work worldwide!