Doors Open for Hundreds of Thousands of Children Worldwide Through LIFE Building Classrooms, Equipping Schools with Books and Furniture, Distributing Backpacks Full of School Supplies and Much More.
Every year towards the end of August, as we smell fall in the air, memories of getting ready for back to school come to mind. That time was always filled with excitement, sometimes coupled with a hint of social anxiety about where you’d sit in the cafeteria, but mostly we felt excitement about all the new experiences and potential that the coming year held.
Most of us could not wait to meet our new teachers, see old friends, maybe make some new ones and, of course, learn more about our favorite subjects.
It was a special time. Sometimes we might get to choose a new school outfit and certainly stocking up on school supplies like binders and Post-it notes was always a must.
Fortunately, In North America education is highly accessible with a strong education structure and funding, as well as loan and scholarship options for post-secondary, the path to education in North America is more accessible than ever before.
Growing up here, any dream has the potential to be achieved. The sky is the limit. This is certainly not the case for everyone. So many children around the world have big dreams, maybe to be an astronaut or the first female president. Sadly, this special back-to-school time doesn’t mean much to them, as many of them won’t be attending school this year.
Even if they do, they will be faced with many barriers. For instance, children in impoverished areas often face inadequate infrastructure, limited educational materials, and under-trained educators, all of which contribute to significant gaps in learning outcomes.
Can you imagine going to school with nothing to write on and nowhere to sit? It is like asking cats and dogs to fly.
The Current Global Education Gap
According to UNICEF, around one in five school-aged children around the world are not in school. This statistic demonstrates the widespread disparity in educational opportunities.
Educational inequity persists globally because of a variety of systemic issues based on socio-economic and political factors. Inequality in education is closely linked to the level of a country's development and its ability to distribute resources fairly.
LIFE has many programs that contribute to closing the education gap and making education more accessible for everyone. Some of our current most prominent education projects are below.
Building Schools in Crisis Zones
In Syria, 12 years of conflict have left many children and adolescents without formal or informal education for years. The few schools still running are often in poor shape, with undertrained teachers trying to manage overcrowded classrooms. It’s a tough environment for any student to thrive in.
Children in Gaza face a similar plight. In just under a year, the entire education system in Gaza has collapsed. As the Back-to-School season approaches, children are not excited about learning but focused on surviving the chaos of the current crisis.
LIFE has been and continues to combat some of the greatest disasters in education, with proactive and rebuilding measures. Currently, LIFE is building schools in Syria and Gaza while supporting teachers with training and salary incentives. These programs look very different in each country. While Syria can afford permanent structures, in Gaza, LIFE has had to innovate and bring together several tent shelters in displacement camps to create makeshift classrooms.
“This is an incredible modification to schooling that has made schools mobile and adaptable to the ever-changing needs of these traumatized children. A sense of regularity and hope for tomorrow is exactly what these children need right now. Thank you to LIFE for bringing our education back.” - Teresa, Teacher in Gaza.
Aiding Impoverished Schools
Poverty plays a crucial role in the education gap. Children from low-income families are disproportionately affected, with those from poorer backgrounds being five times more likely to be out of school compared to their wealthier peers.
Moreover, educational inequity is exacerbated by socio-cultural factors, such as language barriers, cultural biases, and discrimination. Students from marginalized communities, including those from rural areas or indigenous backgrounds, frequently encounter teaching methods that do not align with their cultural context or native languages. This misalignment can lead to lower engagement and higher dropout rates.
As highlighted by Sylvia Schmelkes, a Mexican sociologist and educator, “While the world has seen progress in increasing enrollment rates, true equity remains elusive due to compounded factors. Addressing these inequities requires targeted policies and a commitment to creating educational environments that support all students' diverse needs.”
LIFE’s partnership with Furniture Reuse Solutions has addressed inequality in education in Mexico by providing gently used furniture from California schools to underserved schools in Mexico. In addition to this, LIFE distributed thousands of books to schools in need in Africa.
By investing in education programs both globally and locally, we can create engaging and effective learning experiences and environments that help children advance in life and find joy in their education.
Feature Project: Backpacks Full of Dreams
Every year, LIFE runs its global Back to School program, where hundreds of thousands of backpacks full of school supplies are distributed to less fortunate children worldwide.
This project has seen so much success in keeping children in school and giving them the right supplies to succeed in their studies. For many kids in struggling communities, having the right tools for school can mean the difference between staying in class or dropping out.
Education is not just about academics but also about instilling hope, confidence, and inspiration. These backpacks let the children know that there are people in the world with kind, compassionate hearts who believe in them.
This is truly inspirational; everyone wants to play a role in a world they believe in. Knowing there are good people in the world fuels the next generation to do what it does best: improve, expand, and contribute meaningfully to our collective future.
Small Acts, Big Impact
The Back-to-School program runs in 22 countries. You can choose in which country you would like to support children in need. A donation of just $50 can buy many children new backpacks filled with supplies.
This small gesture can change a child's trajectory and give them a chance to reach their dreams through education.
"When I got my new backpack, I felt like I could finally focus on my studies. Now, I’m not just going to school—I’m excited about my future and want to become a teacher someday.”–Amina, 12 years old, living in Afghanistan.
You can also contribute to LIFE’s other education projects, including building schools and supporting school systems in Syria and Gaza, supporting book distributions in Africa, and furnishing schools all over Central and North America.
When we invest in learning, we're not just teaching kids to read and write—we're giving them the tools to become future leaders and change-makers.
Think about it: every child who gains access to quality education has the potential to change the world for the better.
Photo of young children in the Gambia who received backpacks filled with school supplies from LIFE.
Photo of a young girl in Bangladesh smiling with her new LIFE backpack.
Photo of children in learning in LIFE's Education Tent in Gaza.
Photo of kids in Sierra Leone who received new books from LIFE.
Photo of a young girl working on the chalkboard with her teacher in the LIFE education tent in Gaza.